Hacks for a fulfilled successful life
Morning and Evening Routines for Success
My morning and evening routines are designed to keep me focused,...
Mandated office days can be a double-edged sword for workers
Hybrid Work
As someone who has been following the debates on hybrid and...
The Quantum Field and Power of Intention with Toper Taylor
Exploring the Quantum Field: Dr. Toper Taylor on Human Performance Intention
Strategy, Growth and Culture: Where Organisations Get It Wrong
A conversation with Jim Bletchley, CEO of the Bletchley Group
In a recent podcast conversation, Jim Bletchley,...
Leading Change and Disrupting HR in Brisbane
In between hosting an incredible group of women in Bali for my Feminine Power Retreat in May, it’s been...
Discovering Feminine Power: A Journey Through a Bali Retreat
Introduction to the Retreat
The Rising to Feminine Power retreat in Bali is a intentionally crafted experience...
A Significant Week for Gender Equity
This week holds significant developments: Australia’s private sector gender pay gap has been revealed...
My Favourite Playful Practices
At work we often double down on the aspects of yourself that leads with confidence, is in control and...
Why our ideas about team development are wrong!
I had the idea for this blog because of an article I saw recently on the Atlassian website. It tried...
Unveiling Feminine Power: Stories of Triumph and Transformation
Embracing Collective Strength and Personal Empowerment
In the quest for true power, it’s time we...
Ambidextrous Leadership: The Key to Success in a Changing World
In today’s fast-paced business environment, leaders need to be able to think both strategically...
Feminine Power
Biases drive our behaviour and underpin our organizational systems
Biases exist in our society and affect...
The 4 Day Work Week
Everyone is familiar with the typical workweek of five days, eight hours a day. But what if we could...
When a small business fails
Covid-19 had a devastating effect on my small business. As an eternal optimist, I have written a lot...
Networking for Luck
I recently saw this management tip of the day from HBR and it resonated with me, because this is exactly...
New Year’s Resolutions you will stick to
As 2023 starts to well and truly gear up how are your resolution going? Whether it’s eating healthier,...
Reflect on the past year and set your intentions
Reflect on the past year and set your intentions for the year to come with the help of the Inner Development...
Reenergising a Depleted Team: 6 Conditions
Many of my clients have been noticing the same thing, “Everyone on my team seems tired…all the time....
Why we are not serious about developing team leaders?
In many of the organisations I work with, I find that teams are a protective factor against the adverse...
Today I won in a virtual meeting
Today while facilitating a large meeting, I actually got people to focus and be present in the room....
Balancing Act: The New Equation in Hybrid Working (Part 1)
The Covid-19 pandemic led to many benefits for workers, one of which is the work-from-home arrangement....
Why Diverse Teams Need Psychological Safety to Excel
We know that different perspectives and ideas lead to innovation and better performance. However, in...
What We Know About Team Development
I had the idea for this blog because of an article I saw recently on the Atlassian website. It tried...
Do Start-Ups Need a HRMS?
We don’t need human resources! Structure is the death of good culture!
I’m hearing this a...
Transitioning to Hybrid Working
Transitioning to Hybrid Working is not about going back to normal.
2020 was the year the world went remote....
A Culture of Innovation
How Do You Foster A Culture Of Innovation In A Large Company?
Innovation is not an end state, rather,...
The Relationship between Business Strategy and Company Culture
What is the relationship between business strategy and company culture? How does company culture support...
Changing Your Company Culture
How Do You Change Your Company Culture?
As a result of focus and reflection on their culture, organisations...
The Perfect Organisational Culture
Is there a perfect organisational culture? How does an organisation determine what culture best impacts...
The Development of Organisational Culture
How can you engage employees to go the extra mile, execute strategies and advocate for the organisation’s...
Managing Cultural Diversity
How do you achieve cultural diversity?
Why is it important to manage the cultural diversity?
Changing Business Culture: News From Geared For Growth
Change or Launch a career in Team Coaching!
Join me and fellow Team Coach Andrew Madams for a webinar...
My Top 10 Writers on Organisational Culture (Part 2)
# 5 Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn
Kim Sterling Cameron, William Russell Kelly Professor of Management...
My Top 10 Writers on Organisational Culture (Part 1)
I have dedicated a majority of my working life to building strong organisational cultures. I am obsessed...
The Focus in 2022 is on Wellbeing More Than Ever
AHRI Pulse Survey of 760 HR professionals across Australia in late 2021 revealed that the focus for 2022...
The Great Resignation: 5 Actions Leaders Should Take Now
The world watched as the increase in attrition happened in the U.S. as a result of the pandemic when...
3 Tactics to Accelerate a Digital Transformation
Living in a digital world means change is not only inevitable but also rapid. Digital transformation...
3 Rules for Better Work-life Balance
A huge source of employee depression arises from the stress that comes from the “always-on” culture and...
Cope with Uncertainty: Routine, Connection, and Boundaries
Two years into this pandemic, we find ourselves living in a time of economic insecurity, prolonged uncertainty,...
From Heads to Heart
The shift we have had: from hands to heads
Many of the jobs we do today require cognitive rather than...
The Dark Side of Time Management
I am so overworked, there is too much to do and my workload is not getting any lighter. Sound familiar?...
Employee Involvement is Key to Great Transformation
Transformation is the new constant. Organisations are re-imagining themselves in response to unprecedented...
One of the best job advertisements I've have ever seen
I recently stumbled across a role that Linktree was advertising and it was one of the best introductions...
Kintsukuroi: Putting the pieces back together with gold
As a business owner and entrepreneur, I have been waiting for the post-Covid world to happen for some...
Staying Focussed in a sea of distraction
I’ve been finding it hard to focus lately
I often listen to a podcast called “7 good minutes”...
In Covid in Australia we are all Kantians: How philosophy can help us through tough times
If we were students of philosophy we would turn to the great thinkers of our past like Immanuel Kant...
Hybrid Workplaces and Gender Equality
Many organisations are achieving gender equality in their working practices by adopting more flexible...
What? You're a Climate Change Sceptic????
I had an argument with someone I care about the other day…It was an argument about the facts…the...
What Psychological Safety Looks Like in a Hybrid Workplace
I love the work of Amy Edmonson. Her seminal research on psychological safety provided the framework...
We don't want to go back to the office
I wanna do it my way
Results from the latest workplace survey by PWC suggest that the majority of workers...
Build your Best Team
Welcome to the Gears, Action, Growth podcast with Christy Mori and Dr Josephine Palermo. We recently...
Are we still in a pandemic? How to effectively lead a team in 2021
We have successfully endured 2020. We utilised all our coping strategies and positivity to get through...
Men want flexibility too
The Australian Financial Review this week had a fascinating article about flexible work and the preferences...
What's the office for when we can work from home?
Recently, we have been asking how do we make work more flexible. Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated shifts...
Create a good company culture to attract the right customers to you
Are you working on your company culture? If you’re not you are missing opportunities to attract the right...
How do I find a business coach or mentor?
‘There are so many people out there offering advice for my business problems, it’s overwhelming!’