Changing Your Company Culture

change old to new

How Do You Change Your Company Culture? As a result of focus and reflection on their culture, organisations are asking ‘how do you change company culture?’ It is not only a matter of changing culture but more of shaping it to be fit for purpose. Change is the only constant in life but changing without […]

The Perfect Organisational Culture

perfect culture

Is there a perfect organisational culture? How does an organisation determine what culture best impacts its strategies, employees, and clients? Organisational Culture is dynamic and continues to evolve along with your organisation. This means that over time, Organisational Culture will change as your strategy and needs develop. It is critical to define strategies and practices […]

The Development of Organisational Culture

develop org culture

How can you engage employees to go the extra mile, execute strategies and advocate for the organisation’s objectives? Many factors contribute to developing organisational culture. These include leadership styles, work environment, mission, vision, and even seemingly ordinary things like communications. Important factors also include values, practices, expectations, and collective behaviors within the organisation. Culture involves […]

Managing Cultural Diversity


How do you achieve cultural diversity? Why is it important to manage the cultural diversity? Cultural Diversity is a growing demand in business and workplaces because of its many benefits. Bringing about cultural diversity requires strong commitment and adjustments in your organisational culture by implementing policies and practices aimed to establish diversity. This can happen […]

My Top 10 Writers on Organisational Culture (Part 2)

top 10 bookcovers

# 5 Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn Kim Sterling Cameron, William Russell Kelly Professor of Management and Organisations at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and Robert E. Quinn, Margaret Elliot Tracy Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan, Ross School of Business, are two co-founders of the Center for Positive […]

My Top 10 Writers on Organisational Culture (Part 1)

book covers

I have dedicated a majority of my working life to building strong organisational cultures. I am obsessed with culture because I believe it is fundamental to the success of any organisation, and in particular, that it is the foundation to motivating a company’s most important asset, its people. A strong and clear organisational culture breaks […]

The Focus in 2022 is on Wellbeing More Than Ever


AHRI Pulse Survey of 760 HR professionals across Australia in late 2021 revealed that the focus for 2022 is well and truly still on wellbeing. The majority of organisations are requiring vaccination for their staff and employees have responded positively. As part of ensuring health and safety in the workplace, six in ten of HR […]

The Great Resignation: 5 Actions Leaders Should Take Now

looking towards the future

The world watched as the increase in attrition happened in the U.S. as a result of the pandemic when people needed to work from home. The term ‘The Great Resignation’ was conceived in late 2020 by Professor Anthony Klotz of Texas A&M University. The total recorded number of separations in the U.S has now reached […]

3 Tactics to Accelerate a Digital Transformation

digital transformation

Living in a digital world means change is not only inevitable but also rapid. Digital transformation mandates companies upgrade their systems and ensure that employees have the right tools and the knowledge to use them. Technical changes is only half of the story, the other half is about how people cope and deal with these […]

3 Rules for Better Work-life Balance

work life balance

A huge source of employee depression arises from the stress that comes from the “always-on” culture and worrying about one’s reputation. Trying to attend to every “urgent work distraction” can rob us of important life moments which can eventually lead to some guilt feelings. Nevertheless, we can create smart strategies to help us manage our […]

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