The 4 Day Work Week

Everyone is familiar with the typical workweek of five days, eight hours a day. But what if we could reach the same level of productivity while working fewer days and fewer hours? This is the idea behind a four-day workweek. By reducing the amount of time spent in the office, employers can enable their employees […]

When a small business fails

Covid-19 had a devastating effect on my small business. As an eternal optimist, I have written a lot about the benefits of COVID. The silver linings we found in a pandemic, when it was a time to reevaluate, become more introspective, get quieter, and reflect on what was important. But it was also a time […]

Networking for Luck

I recently saw this management tip of the day from HBR and it resonated with me, because this is exactly what I do when I network. According to HBR, you can see networking as an opportunity to increase your luck through serendipity and benefit your career. Here’s how it works. Actively practice connecting with others […]

New Year’s Resolutions you will stick to

As 2023 starts to well and truly gear up how are your resolution going? Whether it’s eating healthier, getting more sleep, quitting smoking, hitting the gym more often, or taking up a new hobby – a new year is the perfect time for a fresh reset on old habits. How do you ensure your resolutions […]

Reflect on the past year and set your intentions

Reflect on the past year and set your intentions for the year to come with the help of the Inner Development Goals (IDG) framework. Reflect on the entire dimension as a whole or split each dimension up into the 4 or 5 skills it includes and score these separately. How did you score in 2022. […]

Reenergising a Depleted Team: 6 Conditions

man doing parkour

Many of my clients have been noticing the same thing, “Everyone on my team seems tired…all the time. It seems like they’re in a fog, and I don’t know what to do.” The last two years of volatility, increased employee turnover, supply chain disruptions, and changing workforce expectations about flexibility are culminating in a human […]

Why we are not serious about developing team leaders?

young woman standing in front of her team who are cheering

In many of the organisations I work with, I find that teams are a protective factor against the adverse effects of stress and burnout. We know that team leaders and managers play a critical role in the team’s performance and their engagement. Yet many organizations are missing an opportunity to seriously develop team leader capability  […]

Today I won in a virtual meeting

virtual meeting

Today while facilitating a large meeting, I actually got people to focus and be present in the room. This has been a real challenge for me and others in our new virtual meeting world. Sometimes it’s even a challenge to ask people to keep their camera on!  Make a Different Decision Today I did this […]

Balancing Act: The New Equation in Hybrid Working (Part 1)

PWC report

The Covid-19 pandemic led to many benefits for workers, one of which is the work-from-home arrangement. As much as it has proven to be cost and time efficient, working remotely has also led to feelings of isolation and burnout for some people as well as issues of visibility for employers. Regardless, the study conducted by […]

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