The Development of Organisational Culture

How can you engage employees to go the extra mile, execute strategies and advocate for the organisation’s objectives? Many factors contribute to developing organisational culture. These include leadership styles, work environment, mission, vision, and even seemingly ordinary things like communications. Important factors also include values, practices, expectations, and collective behaviors within the organisation. Culture involves […]
Managing Cultural Diversity

How do you achieve cultural diversity? Why is it important to manage the cultural diversity? Cultural Diversity is a growing demand in business and workplaces because of its many benefits. Bringing about cultural diversity requires strong commitment and adjustments in your organisational culture by implementing policies and practices aimed to establish diversity. This can happen […]
Changing Business Culture: News From Geared For Growth

Change or Launch a career in Team Coaching! Join me and fellow Team Coach Andrew Madams for a webinar on team coaching with the 6 Team Conditions framework! If you’re interested in finding out more about how we work with organisations to create high performing teams join us! Wednesday March 9th, 12 midday (9AM AWST) […]
My Top 10 Writers on Organisational Culture (Part 2)

# 5 Kim Cameron and Robert Quinn Kim Sterling Cameron, William Russell Kelly Professor of Management and Organisations at the Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan and Robert E. Quinn, Margaret Elliot Tracy Professor Emeritus at the University of Michigan, Ross School of Business, are two co-founders of the Center for Positive […]
My Top 10 Writers on Organisational Culture (Part 1)

I have dedicated a majority of my working life to building strong organisational cultures. I am obsessed with culture because I believe it is fundamental to the success of any organisation, and in particular, that it is the foundation to motivating a company’s most important asset, its people. A strong and clear organisational culture breaks […]
The Focus in 2022 is on Wellbeing More Than Ever

AHRI Pulse Survey of 760 HR professionals across Australia in late 2021 revealed that the focus for 2022 is well and truly still on wellbeing. The majority of organisations are requiring vaccination for their staff and employees have responded positively. As part of ensuring health and safety in the workplace, six in ten of HR […]
The Great Resignation: 5 Actions Leaders Should Take Now

The world watched as the increase in attrition happened in the U.S. as a result of the pandemic when people needed to work from home. The term ‘The Great Resignation’ was conceived in late 2020 by Professor Anthony Klotz of Texas A&M University. The total recorded number of separations in the U.S has now reached […]
Cope with Uncertainty: Routine, Connection, and Boundaries

Two years into this pandemic, we find ourselves living in a time of economic insecurity, prolonged uncertainty, existential sorrow, isolation, and universal grief. This has produced immense stress for everybody. The constant emphasis on safety and security has for some become a barrier to doing those things that created meaning and joy in our lives. […]
From Heads to Heart

The shift we have had: from hands to heads Many of the jobs we do today require cognitive rather than manual capabilities. Over the past two decades, non-routine jobs have particular increased. Between now and 2030, 86 percent of the jobs created will be knowledge worker jobs. According to Deloitte, by 2030, one quarter of […]
What Psychological Safety Looks Like in a Hybrid Workplace

I love the work of Amy Edmonson. Her seminal research on psychological safety provided the framework for Google’s Project Aristotle, a now infamous case study on what makes teams effective. Google made psychological safety cool but Amy’s work had begun decades before. This article, published in HBR about a month ago links psychological safety to […]