The Dark Side of Time Management

employee thinking about time management

I am so overworked, there is too much to do and my workload is not getting any lighter. Sound familiar? If you’ve been around the same circles as me, I’m sure you’ve been given advice about “time management”! I used to get so sick of mentors and other leaders telling me that my problem was […]

Kintsukuroi: Putting the pieces back together with gold

Kitsukuroi: Putting the pieces back together with gold

As a business owner and entrepreneur, I have been waiting for the post-Covid world to happen for some time now, whilst making all the adjustments I need to make to my business to be Covid safe. But now as Melbourne reaches its 200th day of Lockdowns, I am beginning to feel I need a new […]

Build your Best Team

Welcome to the Gears, Action, Growth podcast with Christy Mori and Dr Josephine Palermo. We recently had a great discussion about how to build your best team. We spoke about what business owners, team leaders, and employees can do to ensure they have a great team environment, one where team members can flourish and have a […]

Are we still in a pandemic? How to effectively lead a team in 2021

people around tables with laptop

We have successfully endured 2020. We utilised all our coping strategies and positivity to get through the stress, anxiety and uncertainty that the pandemic generated for so many of us. Now we have great expectations for 2021 in the context of a continuing pandemic and the lagging impacts to come. We are tired, fatigued and weary. What do we do to invigorate ourselves and our teams?

Men want flexibility too

man working at a desk from home

The Australian Financial Review this week had a fascinating article about flexible work and the preferences of men and fathers. We often think that flexible work is the purview of women who are mothers. However AFRs survey of 25 of Sydney’s biggest employers this week showed that 24 out of 25 said remote working was […]

Create a good company culture to attract the right customers to you

Photograph of a workshop in progress at Unconference.

Are you working on your company culture? If you’re not you are missing opportunities to attract the right employees and customers. Building the right culture for your business increases employee engagement and attracts customers. But what does the ‘right’ culture mean? And I promise it’s not one size fits all! Culture is a set of […]

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