3 Rules for Better Work-life Balance

work life balance

A huge source of employee depression arises from the stress that comes from the “always-on” culture and worrying about one’s reputation. Trying to attend to every “urgent work distraction” can rob us of important life moments which can eventually lead to some guilt feelings. Nevertheless, we can create smart strategies to help us manage our […]

Cope with Uncertainty: Routine, Connection, and Boundaries

cope with uncertainty

Two years into this pandemic, we find ourselves living in a time of economic insecurity, prolonged uncertainty, existential sorrow, isolation, and universal grief. This has produced immense stress for everybody. The constant emphasis on safety and security has for some become a barrier to doing those things that created meaning and joy in our lives.  […]

From Heads to Heart

People caring for one another in a work context

The shift we have had: from hands to heads Many of the jobs we do today require cognitive rather than manual capabilities. Over the past two decades, non-routine jobs have particular increased. Between now and 2030, 86 percent of the jobs created will be knowledge worker jobs. According to Deloitte, by 2030, one quarter of […]

The Dark Side of Time Management

employee thinking about time management

I am so overworked, there is too much to do and my workload is not getting any lighter. Sound familiar? If you’ve been around the same circles as me, I’m sure you’ve been given advice about “time management”! I used to get so sick of mentors and other leaders telling me that my problem was […]

Employee Involvement is Key to Great Transformation

Employee Involvement is Key to Great Transformation

Transformation is the new constant. Organisations are re-imagining themselves in response to unprecedented global events. They are transforming their structures, revenue models, ways of working, customer engagement and supply chains. These changes often need a key team to drive the implementation and lead the change. But who do you involve and how wide do you […]

One of the best job advertisements I’ve have ever seen

best job advertisement

I recently stumbled across a role that Linktree was advertising and it was one of the best introductions to a job advertisement I have ever seen!! Addressing gender and inclusion inequality in recruitment practices On their careers site, Linktree states they are committed to diversity and inclusion. The Linktree job advertisement stated (a direct quote): […]

Kintsukuroi: Putting the pieces back together with gold

Kitsukuroi: Putting the pieces back together with gold

As a business owner and entrepreneur, I have been waiting for the post-Covid world to happen for some time now, whilst making all the adjustments I need to make to my business to be Covid safe. But now as Melbourne reaches its 200th day of Lockdowns, I am beginning to feel I need a new […]

Staying Focussed in a sea of distraction

staying focussed

I’ve been finding it hard to focus lately I often listen to a podcast called “7 good minutes” which has excerpts of inspiration from some amazing thought leaders in just 7 minutes or less. The other day the host was interviewing Robin Sharma on tips on how to deal with being distracted and stay focussed. […]

Hybrid Workplaces and Gender Equality

Hybrid Workplaces and Gender Equality

Many organisations are achieving gender equality in their working practices by adopting more flexible work practices as part of their Hybrid Workplace strategy. They are doing this to align to the expectations of their employees for flexibility and especially for women demanding greater support in managing work and home life. Notable examples are Telstra, ANZ, […]

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