With guest Warrick Peel we explore the organizational imperative to respond to Climate Change and how organisational thinking and action is intersecting with community level thinking, and how innovation and start-ups are critical to solving some of the wicked problems we face around climate change.

Some of the standouts are Atlassian and Canva, making a big impact on climate change action. We discuss how governments and corporations can do more to support and enable actions that take us closer to next zero.

Warrick explains carbon pricing and trends in the carbon market and states that most large corporations will have 100s of millions in carbon liability – e.g. AGL posted they have a 600million annual liability – addressing this liability requires purchasing carbon credits or directly investing in renewables to get to net zero. .

Warrick warns that solutions aren’t being implemented quick enough and at the scale we need them to be. “Mother Earth will continue beyond 2100 but I don’t think humans will”, he bemoans.

His call to action is about thinking differently – the message is about saving ourselves…, and saving our relationship with the planet.

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