New Year’s Resolutions you will stick to

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As 2023 starts to well and truly gear up how are your resolution going? Whether it’s eating healthier, getting more sleep, quitting smoking, hitting the gym more often, or taking up a new hobby – a new year is the perfect time for a fresh reset on old habits. How do you ensure your resolutions stick? There are still plenty of things you can do to ensure success:

Tips for making your resolutions stick this year:

  • Make sure your resolution is realistic and achievable. Don’t make a resolution that you know deep down won’t be possible for one reason or another. This can lead to feelings of guilt and disappointment which will inevitably impact motivation levels.
  • Break your goal down into smaller steps and milestones throughout the year. This helps break up the challenge into manageable chunks, allowing you to track progress along the way and keep momentum up.
  • Get help from friends and family– they may have tips on how they achieved their own goals which could be useful in helping you achieve yours.
  • Celebrate successes when they come! It can work wonders for motivation to recognise progress or achievements as soon as they come instead of waiting until the end goal has been reached.
  • Don’t fall victim to ‘all or nothing’ thinking – falling off track once doesn’t mean all hopes of achieving your goal become lost. Acknowledge mistakes and try again with renewed determination instead! Adopt a ‘not yet’ mindset – rather than being hard on yourself about not achieving your goal right now, tell yourself you just haven’t achieved it yet.

Don’t give up on those goals– use the new year as an opportunity for renewal and get yourself back on track!


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